Strengthening Regulations to Safeguard Rights and Conditions for European Cabin Crews

Strengthening Regulations to Safeguard Rights and Conditions for European Cabin Crews

As the European Cabin Crew Association (EurECCA), we write this Position Paper to underscore the urgency of advancing legislation concerning the posting of workers within the aviation industry. This issue presents a high degree of complexity; however, that complexity cannot be a pretext for legislative stagnation. Such inaction leaves open loopholes ripe for legislation shopping and risks the erosion of working and salary conditions now and in the future. Consequently, it is paramount to bring clarity to the applicable law, including the consistent use of the habitual place of work and a legally binding definition of an employment relationship.

In this regard, EurECCA advocates for the introduction of a Directive specifically designed for aircrews, akin to the one inaugurated for road transport in 2020. Such a Directive will be instrumental in formulating a “lex specialis” that caters to the distinct needs of aircrews. Concurrently, we express our desire to integrate our ongoing deliberations with the Directive on enhancing working conditions in platform work, acknowledging its prospective influence.

Additionally, EurECCA highlights the dire necessity of revising Regulation 1008/2008, given its significant correlation with provisions such as wet-leasing or a legally binding definition of an operational base, and the posting rules. We ask the Commission to place the revision of Regulation 1008/2008 high on its agenda for the second half of 2023.

A decisive stance must be adopted to remedy loopholes and gaps in European legislation to protect the rights of aircrews and maintain fair competition within Europe. The stakes are high – without action, we risk the application of the maritime model in the aviation sector, a shift that could destabilize the European market.

Separately, we, EurECCA, invite the social partners involved in the sectoral social dialogue to consider a revision of Directive 2000/79, which pertains to the organization of working time for mobile workers in civil aviation. The social aspects of working time should not be solely dictated by Flight Time Limitations (FTL; Regulation 83/2014), as these are principally focused on aviation safety, as previously noted in point 89 of the ILO Report for the Technical Meeting on a Green, Sustainable and Inclusive Economic Recovery for the Civil Aviation Sector.

In conclusion, we assert that all the aspects discussed – Posting of Workers, revision of Regulation 1008/2008, applicable law, social security, and working time – should be deliberated collectively to establish a resilient social framework for European aircrews. EurECCA asks relevant stakeholders to join us in facilitating these urgent revisions to ensure fair and sustainable conditions for those who are integral to the success of European aviation.

EurECCA represents, protects and develops the rights and needs of all cabin crew all over Europe

Acting Together – Protecting Each Other

Strengthening Regulations to Safeguard Rights and Conditions for European Cabin Crews – PDF
