Who we are

Who we are

The European Cabin Crew Association EurECCA is a European organisation based in Brussels. It is made up of cabin crew unions from European Union Member States as well as accession states and bordering states.

EurECCA has no political connections; it concentrates on the interests of flight attendants, speaking on behalf of more than 60% of organised cabin crew in Europe. EurECCA promotes and fights for improved living and working conditions for its members in the European framework.

EurECCA´s main aim is to be recognised as a European social partner and, in this capacity, to be regularly consulted within the framework of the social dialogue at  European level.

Founded in Brussels in 2014, EurECCA continues to grow and to attract new members by being a democratic, transparent, and independent association of unions, working together in solidarity.

EurECCA's structure


The EurECCA Conference is entitled all powers to carry out the objectives of EurECCA. It meets at least once a year at a date and place stipulated by the Board. The EurECCA Conference serves as a general assembly for decisions legally prescribed and for the appointment of the President, Vice-President and General Secretary as well as the other members of the Board. The Conference also decides on constitutional changes, membership and budget and subscription decisions.

The Board

EurECCA is managed by the Board. The Board is comprised of at least 3 members up to a maximum of 7. Board members can come from full members only. The Board has 3 executive directors, a President, Vice-President and a General Secretary, coming from different members and different countries. All Board members will act collectively on behalf of all the members and in the interest of EurECCA.

Executive Board

- President: Cas Voskuyl
- Vice-President: Joachim Vázquez-Bürger
- Secretary General: Xavier Gautier

Board Members

- Carlo Amati (ANPAC)
- Nikos Papadogoulas (RACU)
- Ana Catarina Dias Marques (SNPVAC)
- Gonzalo Penche (STAVLA)
- Cas Voskuyl (VNC)
- Joachim Vázquez-Bürger (UFO)



Working Groups

The Working Groups assist in the decision making of the Board. They mainly focus on technical aspects and do not have any decision making power as such. All full members can delegate Working Group members that will work together under a protocol and a responsible Board member to prepare EurECCA positions on topics that support EurECCA's objectives.

Membership of EurECCA

All professional European cabin crew unions, whether independent or affiliated to a national union can apply for full membership of EurECCA. National unions in which the cabin crew section has the majority position and cabin crew unions from any other state bordering the EU and having close legislative and economic relations in the aviation sector can apply for full membership.  
Full members hold a membership vote and card votes according to their number of affiliates. 
Cabin crew unions or associations who do not fulfil the requirements for full membership can become an associated member. They enjoy a consultative status.

A closer look at EurECCA´s principals

All flight attendants count

At the core of EurECCA´s values is the single cabin crew member and its promotion. All we do, we do with a clear focus on the improvement of the living and working conditions of cabin crew in Europe. Through its independence and its open, inclusive policy, EurECCA gives a voice to those interests of cabin crew which are not heard in the European policy making process and politics in general. EurECCA gives these people and their interests a voice because every single cabin crew member counts.

Connecting Europe

EurECCA has been founded to articulate and develop the interest of affiliated national cabin crew unions on the European level. Therefore EurECCA tries to reduce the gap between independent unions in the EU and decision makers and policymakers in Brussels. As the European Union policy has become more important than nations policy, EurECCA is essential to influence European politics beyond national boundaries. By always respecting the different national frames and challenges in the respective countries, EurECCA connects between national and European policy by exchanging information and different experiences.
Furthermore EurECCA connects cabin crews already represented and those working under unfair conditions in numerous European countries.

EurECCA policy areas

EurECCA concentrates on different policies such as Flight Time Limitation (FTL), European cabin crew license, working contracts as well as occupational health and safety matters.
EurECCA also offers a platform for exchanging information and for coordinating transnational tasks on working and pay conditions.

Partner Unions