Update: EU-Qatar Comprehensive Air Transport Agreement

Due to the current developments around the suspected corruption and the possible involvement of Qatar, EurECCA is of the opinion to freeze any provisional working related to the Comprehensive Air Transport Agreement between the European Union and Qatar as long as the corruption investigations are not fully completed.

Due to the current developments around the suspected corruption and the possible involvement of Qatar, EurECCA is of the opinion to freeze any provisional working related to the Comprehensive Air Transport Agreement between the European Union and Qatar as long as the corruption investigations are not fully completed.

EurECCA made a statement during the creation of the agreement addressing the importance of compliance with fair competition in Europe, stressing the fact that the high social standards must not be put at risk by creating a competitive disadvantage for European airlines.


EurECCA represents, protects and develops the rights and needs of all cabin crew all over Europe

About EurECCA: established in Brussels in 2014, the European Cabin Crew Association, EurECCA, represents,  protects and develops the rights and needs of cabin crew all over Europe. It is composed of cabin crew unions from European Union Member States as well as accession and bordering states and represents some 33,000 cabin crew accounting for 70% of all organized cabin crew in Europe. EurECCA has no political connections. EurECCA’s work is around Cabin Crew working conditions, wages, social protection and health and safety at work.

EurECCA European Cabin Crew Association AISBL
Avenue Louise 143/4
1050 Brussels, Belgium
