Ryanair crew are latest victims of COVID measures despite “enviable” financial situation

Ryanair, in spite of boasting throughout the COVID-19 crisis, that is was in an “enviable” financial situation, compared to other companies in the sector, is threatening crew with lay-offs and reduced wages.

Ryanair, in spite of boasting throughout the COVID-19 crisis, that is was in an “enviable” financial situation, compared to other companies in the sector, is threatening crew with lay-offs and reduced wages. Ryanair CEO O’Leary, well known for his contempt of regulation, staff, passengers and competition, has criticised the aid that some European countries have provided to their respective airlines and has even threatened legal action.  This is rather ironic, not to mention despicable, considering he saw no reason to give up the capital injected by the United Kingdom into Ryanair and three other airlines to the sum of some £1.8 billion just a few months ago in May.


The “enviable” financial position and the capital injection would suggest an equally enviable position for Ryanair employees. Nothing could be further from the truth! Ryanair recently threatened to lay off cabin crew in many European countries who do not agree to the further lowering of their wages.

On 6 July, Ryanair’s UK pilots grudgingly accepted a 20% salary cut for the next 4 years as well as important modifications in their work and rest regime. Despite these efforts, Ryanair announced that there will still be layoffs.


We are well aware of the serious situation the airline sector is in, but this cannot lead to certain air carriers gaining competitive advantages by disrespecting social rights. EurECCA believes that there are ways for airlines to survive this crisis and protect employment as well as employees’ livelihoods, before threatening people with dismissal and significant cuts to their wages.


EurECCA is of the opinion that all EU organizations representing these groups of employees that live in precarious situations because of their employment in the so-called low-cost companies, should fight against this social injustice. Organizations that condone these extortion measures are as despicable as Ryanair!  They are forsaking the very people whose interests they are supposed to be protecting and leaving these employees to their fate instead of fighting for their jobs and social rights.

At EurECCA we will continue with our main objective to fight for and defend all cabin crews, wherever they work, to protect them from abuse before it happens, and to find ways to improve their quality of life.

EurECCA represents, protects and develops the rights and needs of cabin crew all over Europe

