European Parliament further develops the EASA Basic regulation. Today, after intense discussion the transport committee voted on more the 1000 amendments to the EASA basic regulation proposal.
A clear step into the right direction has been made in the field the social dimension of safety and security. By adding a new article into the basic regulation that will give EASA not only the mandate but the assignment to prevent socio-economic risks to safety and security.
“We hope that EASA will develop not only an effective system that analyses and prevents these risks but also will implement clear measures to ensure that necessary control is enforced by the authorities”, EurECCA- President Annette Groeneveld says.
“Now, necessary action must be taken to control unfair employment practices like temporary agency work, zero-hours contracts and forced part- time contracts” adds Xavier Gautier, EurECCA ́s Vice-president.
The numerous articles on various aspects of drones is a centerpiece of the new regulation. This will surely increase the safety standard in the fast developing part of the civil aviation.
Progress has also been made in the field of crew training by further developing the existing attestation of Cabin Crew to certificate. The introduction of licensing schemes for cabin crew can be used as a step for intensified training and higher qualification.
“EASA can now develop necessary qualification standards that will reflect the strongly increased safety and security role of the cabin crew” concludes Christoph Drescher, General Secretary of EurECCA. “EASA should invite all relevant stakeholders to offer their expertise to work on that goal”.
EurECCA express its hope that the Parliament will take a strong position in the upcoming trilogue with the commission and the council to ensure that these relevant steps will be enforced.