Aircrew fatigue is a serious safety issue in Europe and beyond.This is why EASA and the EU Commission asked a research consortium to carry out a data-driven scientific study on EU/EASA FTL rules and their effectiveness to combat crew fatigue. This study will be kicked-off by a generic SURVEY – to be filled in by as many Commercial Air Transport Cavin Crew as possible.
This survey will allow the researchers to identify the most pressing 2 Fatigue Hotspots, out of a list of 6 key issues of concern. The survey closes on 11 April, so your input is needed as soon as possible.
The survey contains many questions. Therefore – and to allow you to complete it within +/- 10 minutes – we advise you to focus on the ESSENTIAL parts of the survey. This means:
- Fill in ONLY those questions that are MANDATORY (marked with a red asterix).
- Early on, 6 key FTL issues will appear. Click all those issues that affect you in your daily operations.
- Do absolutely provide a RATING of the fatiguing impacts on the proposed 1-9 SCALEs.
- Provide your type of AIRLINE (at the survey’s beginning) and type of CONTRACT (end of survey).
- Reply to the more detailed ‘text box’ questions ONLY if you wish so & have time.
For more details on the study & related survey, see attached EASA/NLR letter.
go to online survey: