Electoral Conference November 5 th
Last Tuesday, we had our electoral conference in Brussels and on the agenda was the election of the new EurECCA Board for the next three years. This day marks a change in EurECCA history as former President, Annette Groeneveld and Vice-President, Corinne Basarot, both Board members since the founding as well as heart and soul of EurECCA, are stepping down. With handing over EurECCA to the next generation, Cas Voskuyl from VNC was elected as President and Joachim Vázquez Bürger from UFO, has been elected as Vice-President. Xavier Gautier will continue his work as the Secretary General of EurECCA, another keyperson in the success of EurECCA.
Besides the new Executive Board, a new EurECCA Board was appointed. It will involve Nikos Papadogoulas (RACU), Gonzalo Penche (STAVLA), Carlo Amati (ANPAV), Ana Catarina Dias Marques (SNPVAC).
We thank Annette and Corinne for their 10 years of hard work and dedication, fighting for the rights and well-being of European cabin crews. Together with their passion and commitment EurECCA is now where we are – a well-known European social partner when it comes to cabin crew and their working conditions.
With the new Board in place, a new era will start. We will proceed defending the rights of European cabin crew and aim at expanding the important work of EurECCA across Europe.