A survey on cabin crew’s working condition, health, and safety by the Karolinska institute
Feeling the cabin pressure?
A survey on cabin crew’s working condition, health, and safety.
Studies on European Cabin crew’s employment and working conditions are scarce. While there are studies that explore how new business models affect pilots’ employment terms, working conditions, and health, little has been done to map these changes among cabin crew.
To fill this gap, this new survey is initiated by the Karolinska Institute – a renowned research-led medical university – aimed at cabin crew from across Europe.
The survey is a part of an ongoing research project on ‘sustainable flight safety’ – linking socioeconomic aspects, health and safety. In an earlier study, called “High flying risks” (2018), Karolinska Institute analyzed the link between airline companies’ safety climate, working conditions and flight safety among pilots. Today, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever to continue and deepen this research.
This survey therefore aims to collect data on European cabin crew’s employment and working conditions, health/fatigue and experiences regarding flight safety in the ramp-up following the COVID-19 pandemic. Your participation is crucial to gain knowledge of what cabin crew’s working conditions look like today, and how the work environment and aviation safety can be concretely improved.
EurECCA represents, protects and develops the rights and needs of cabin crew all over Europe
About EurECCA: established in Brussels in 2014, the European Cabin Crew Association, EurECCA, represents, protects and develops the rights and needs of cabin crew all over Europe. It is composed of cabin crew unions from European Union Member States as well as accession and bordering states and represents some 33,000 cabin crew accounting for 70% of all organized cabin crew in Europe. EurECCA has no political connections. EurECCA’s work is around Cabin Crew working conditions, wages, social protection and health and safety at work.