EurECCA General Assembly 2023: A Milestone Event for European Cabin Crew

EurECCA General Assembly 2023: A Milestone Event for European Cabin Crew 


We are delighted to share with our esteemed members and the broader aviation community that the European Cabin Crew Association (EurECCA) successfully held its General Assembly on November 8, 2023. This pivotal event marked a significant milestone in our continued efforts to advocate for the rights and welfare of cabin crew across Europe.

A United Voice for Cabin Crew

The General Assembly brought together representatives from various member countries, embodying the spirit of unity and collaboration that EurECCA stands for. This year's assembly was particularly noteworthy for its high level of engagement and the constructive dialogue that ensued.

Key Highlights from the General Assembly:

  • Review of Achievements: We took a moment to reflect on our accomplishments over the past year, celebrating the collective efforts and dedication of our members in advocating for cabin crew rights across Europe.
  • EurECCA Work Plan: We presented an in-depth overview of the EurECCA Work Plan, outlining our strategies and objectives for the coming year. Our focus remains on enhancing working conditions, ensuring fair compensation, and advocating for the health and safety of cabin crew members.
  • Lobbying Efforts: The assembly was an opportunity to discuss and refine our lobby plan. We are committed to strengthening our relationships with key stakeholders, including airlines, government bodies, and international organizations, to further our mission and objectives.
  • Member Engagement: Our members are the cornerstone of EurECCA, and we emphasized the importance of ongoing engagement and collaboration. We discussed various initiatives to increase member involvement and representation at all levels.
  • Looking Ahead: The assembly concluded with a forward-looking discussion, setting ambitious yet achievable goals for EurECCA. We are energized and optimistic about the opportunities and challenges ahead. The resolutions and decisions made during the General Assembly demonstrate EurECCA's commitment to being at the forefront of representing and defending the interests of cabin crew across Europe. 

Moving Forward Together:

As we embark on this ambitious journey, your support and involvement are more crucial than ever. We encourage all members to stay engaged, provide feedback, and participate actively in our initiatives. Together, we can create a more equitable, safe, and sustainable future for all cabin crew members across Europe.

For more detailed information and updates from the General Assembly, please visit our website:

Together, we soar higher!
