At the end of the aviation summit on Friday 4th February, EurECCA signed the Toulouse Declaration, along with 42 states, including the 27 members of the European Union and dozens of professional associations. This text advocates a goal of zero carbon emissions from air transport by 2050, based on fleet renewal and sustainable aviation fuels.
According Annette Groeneveld, President of EurECCA: “Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 is a collective challenge, which concerns the entire ecosystem and will require a major investment effort regarding the civil aviation sector. These investments must also guarantee high social standarts in terms of working conditions and decent salaries for aircrews“.
EurECCA asks the European Commission to speed up the implementation of an incentive policy for the production of sustainable aviation fuels, which are considered to be one of the best current tools for decarbonising the aviation sector. EurECCA also calls the European Commission to push for a resolution at the next International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) assembly, which would universalise this objective of carbon neutrality by 2050.
EurECCA represents, protects and develops the rights and needs of all cabin crew all over Europe
About EurECCA: established in Brussels in 2014, the European Cabin Crew Association, EurECCA, represents, protects and develops the rights and needs of cabin crew all over Europe. It is composed of cabin crew unions from European Union Member States as well as accession and bordering states and represents some 33,000 cabin crew accounting for 70% of all organized cabin crew in Europe. EurECCA has no political connections. EurECCA’s work is around Cabin Crew working conditions, wages, social protection and health and safety at work.
EurECCA European Cabin Crew Association AISBL
Rue du Commerce 20-22
1000 Brussels, Belgium