With zoom sessions at 10.00 CET on 15/09 and 19.30 CET on 16/09, this webinar should be of interest to all EurECCA members: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YmVS6TH5SSWOqUGFRUBdgA
Targeted at representatives of employee and workers’ rights/trade unions/associations, pilot, cabin crew and maintenance employee interested parties; societal interests/societal stakeholders; and consumer interests groups the webinars will cover the following topics:
·Health and flight safety
·Regulatory implications
·Airline risk assessment ·Recent legal cases
·Air crew reporting system (EU/US regulation, ICAO guideline, GCARS…)
·Medical protocol (new)
·Recirculated air & COVID -19 (including ASHRAE statements) and the importance of air conditioning… ·Current and recent industry activities: FACTS project, CEN/TC 436, SAE, A4A, ICAO, IATA, sensors, filtration…
If you are interested please register for your preferred date via this link: https://www.gcaqe.org/webinar